Press Release: Open Letter – High Court Case for legalization of Dagga

Dear Sir / Madam

Open Letter – High Court Case for the Legalization of Cannabis in South Africa

Recently Grace Mugabe stated that her two sons ‘have become wild and have taken to beer binges and drugs’ whilst in South Africa (News 24, 26 July). However, for South Africans, this heart-breaking scenario has become the norm. We have lost our sons and daughters to drugs.

Let us join hands. Let us join hands with the police, principals, teachers, nurses, doctors, community leaders, councilors and legislators. Let us join hands with the many parents that experience sleepless nights. As communities, we need to stand together against the onslaught on our youth. Against those that want to do business at the expense of our children. Our country is dying…

Amidst all this sorrow, we are amazed that people such as the “Dagga Couple” can be so brazen as to want to make S.A. the dagga basket of Africa and the whole world. Is it merely ignorance, or is it the desire to enrich themselves, that has led them to lay our children on the altar of drug abuse and destruction?

The damage dagga is causing in our country is rampant. Some within our communities have even lost their minds. We see them every day on our streets pushing trollies. Youngsters at street corners, lurking around to find money for the next fix. These children should have been in school.

In fact, principals all over the country are expressing great concern. They say that the children giggle and laugh after eating space cakes (dagga muffins). That after consuming dagga children are ruthless and arrogant. In some school’s children turn to violence as they compete for customers, selling dagga to our children.

Some sell dagga laced with whoonga/nyaope to our children, to secure regular clients. Our children are not safe at school anymore. Some use dagga to gain sexual consent from girls. Others use dagga to gain the courage to highjack cars and to break into homes. Youngsters steal from home and their communities to feed their habit.

What will become of South Africa? Should people such as the “Dagga Couple” not rather go to Colorado and grow their green fields there? Why do they have to burden and oppress us further? We have grown weary…

However, as Grace said, let us “not give up on [our] children, we need to soldier on.”

Please rid us of the parasites that are drugging our children!

We ask all parents, teachers and those who share our concern for the future of the young people of the nation, to join us in front of the Pretoria High Court buildings on the corner of Paul Kruger and Madiba Street from Monday 31 July 2017, where we will protest against the legalization of cannabis in South Africa.

Help! Our Country is dying!

Yours faithfully

CYPSA: President