We, as the CYPSA team at Head Office, greet all of you who passed through our Restoration Programme. We think of you during this challenging time in our country and pray that you will find strength and courage in the Lord our God whose arm is not too short that He cannot help. Keep your life free from sin and be like a Joshua.
Joshua was a man who lived through many plagues but none touched him. He stayed safe in the midst of the most dangerous plagues of his time. What was his secret? How did he manage to survive?
He was a young slave when Moses and Aaron arrived in Egypt. Aaron was from their midst, but Moses left Egypt and returned only after forty years, a stranger to the younger generation. These two brothers came, sent by the living God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, with a message to Pharaoh, king of Egypt:
“Let my people go.”
The king refused and that is where Joshua witnessed terrible plagues hitting the Egyptians, but nothing of it touched him and his people. However, after they were led out of Egypt by the mighty hand of God, he still lived through quite a few plagues brought on them by his very own people who were dissatisfied with God’s way of caring for them. At one time fourteen thousand seven hundred people died in one single day, right there in the midst of their community. Joshua saw it with his own eyes. He was also there when God sent another plague among his people. That day twenty four thousand died!
Why do we say to you in this challenging time of the corona virus, “Be a Joshua?”
Just look at him:
- He clung to God and His servant and believed that the Lord who was with them was able to deliver them from all difficulties.
- He was never found in the company of those who complained against God and who grumbled in hot dissatisfaction about their hardships.
- And he also kept to the rules and laws laid down by Moses and he never joined those who took matters into their own hands, thinking they knew better than God and Moses.
So be a Joshua right there where you are now. Cling to the Lord and serve your people with a humble heart, trusting the Lord for help in this very difficult time. Then you will also be able to say to others the words Joshua said to his soldiers after he became leader, “Fear not nor be dismayed; be strong and of good courage”. (Joshua 10 ; 25)