God’S Judgement

Truly I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all, for all these out of their abundance have put in offerings for God, but she out of her poverty put in all the livelihood that she had” (Luke 21:3&4)

Within this portion we see how God uses his own scales to judge. A widow came and put in some coins. No one may have noticed it as it was so little. Maybe others even thought her to be in the way. And yet if anyone would have seen it, they would have scorned her – it was so little. Yet going up to the table, her heart was torn in two. She needed something to live from, but at the same time she loved the Lord and felt inwardly compelled to give an offering – it was everything she possessed. She could have thought; surely it is to little, or what will it help any case. Nobody saw her deed in a good light, nobody knew about her struggle… but Jesus took note. We can so easily judge others by what they do or how much they give. Yet in God’s eyes the little that we noticed might be to Him worth a great deal. God sees the heart. She gave all she had, as God gave all He had, …His only Son whom He loved; for us!

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Annual General Meeting 23 October 2024

On the 23 October 2024, CYPSA hosted its Annual General Meeting. The meeting commenced with a short devotion from Matthew...