The Concerned Young People of South Africa (CYPSA) held a march on 16 December 2021 in Durban for their faith – all for the love of the Lord and to demonstrate that He is the answer.
They invited all who love the Lord to join them, or alternatively to initiate a march in their own hometown. The march commenced at King Dinizulu Park (opposite Durban Christian Centre) at 11h00 and proceeded via West Street (Dr Pixley kaSeme Street) to the Durban City Hall. A memorandum was handed to the Mayor of Durban at about 14h00.
The memorandum outlined the concerns of our youth, and highlighted the need for society to return to sound scriptural values.
The world is a tough place with major challenges and growing social ills. South Africa has become a dangerous place. Murder, gender-based violence and rampant crime have become a part of life.
INTERPOL has labelled South Africa the rape capital of the world. Corruption is prevalent on all levels of society. Human traffickers abduct children and young people. Shopping malls and streets are no longer safe.
Pornography addiction and explicit sex knowledge, that is not age-appropriate, triggers sexual offenses. Drug abuse and gangsterism run rampant. South Africans are left to fend for themselves and young people are no longer safe walking to school.
Our right to religious freedom is at stake. These rights are enshrined in the Constitution. Christian values are under attack – even though 86% of the South Africans population profess to be Christian. Our youth believe that Christ is the answer. Since we know the remedy, we know that we cannot remain silent!
The end of 2021 was the perfect time for a march for Jesus because people were ready for new resolutions at the start of the new year. Nothing brings unity like our faith and the hope is that this march brought back hope and a zest for life to all South Africans.
Following are the points which were included in the memorandum which was presented to the Mayor of Durban and which reflects the concerns and beliefs of South African youth:
- Freedom of conscience, freedom of worship, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of opinion, freedom of thought, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom of association, freedom of movement are our constitutional rights. No government should take these freedoms from us.
- Our Christian heritage and religious freedoms are at stake, although enshrined in the Constitution.
- Christian values are under daily attack even though 86% of the South African population profess to be Christians.
- Our country is moving towards more liberal and progressive views where deeply held values are threatened and dismissed as phobic. Values such as the sanctity of life, marriage, family, freedom, security, and loyalty to the birth gender God gave us.
- The increased usage, availability and promotion of pornography is horrifying. The unacceptable surge in gender-based violence and drug abuse must stop. These addictions trigger rampant sexual offenses.
- Poor maths and science performance can be attributed to age- inappropriate and foreign curricula forced on schools. Explicit sexual content and perverted practices should not be taught in schools.
- Murder, gender-based violence and excessive crime have become the norm in South Africa. INTERPOL has labelled South Africa the rape capital of the world. Human traffickers abduct our peers. Shopping malls and streets are no longer safe.
- The economic crisis faced by our country is oppressive. Unemployment is at an all-time high resulting in widespread poverty and a purposeless youth.
- Healthy societies do not require fear-mongering, guilt manipulation, incessant propaganda and censorship of opposing views.
- Authorities should not fear investigation and suppress healthy dialogue especially when corruption and dictatorial directives are the order of the day.
- We are here to remind our leaders and country that our faith and hope are unshakable. We stand firm on our Christian values and Biblical principles. We believe that Christ is the answer to South Africa’s social ills and if we know the remedy, why should we remain silent?