Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it. (Matthew 13:45)
Thought for today: 16 May 2020
Jesus spoke these words describing His kingdom. It may happen that as we go about our business that all of a sudden we realize the worth of obtaining the Kingdom of Heaven. Then all our previous focus of gathering things, revert into giving away so as to obtain this eternal reward, Christ Himself. To obtain Christ, we might need to give away our time, our friends, our family, all that is dear and even our very life. Yet realizing the worth of what we have found, it is no sad or bitter thing… but, to do so in order to obtain the best, brings much joy. Some people spent their whole life in gathering things, and yet miss the mark. God said to Abraham “I am your exceedingly great reward” Have you obtained this eternal Treasure?