Do Not Be Afraid!

And Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid. From now on you will catch men.” So when they had brought their boats to land, they forsook all and followed Him. (Luke 5:10)

As Jesus preached along the shores of Galilee, a multitude soon pressed against them. Simon made room for Jesus in his boat from where He preached. Simon probably lost a few hours of work as he provided Jesus the platform to preach from. Maybe Simon thought to himself, that he is wasting business time. Maybe he thought about the pressing needs of his own family and of his friends. However, after Jesus spoke to the crowds, He turned to Peter and provided him with a great catch of fish. Simon seeing the catch, realized that Jesus knew about his own sinfulness. Being straight forward he acknowledged his own sinfulness and begged Jesus to go away. But Jesus answered, – do not be afraid, from now on you will catch men.

Simon met up with something far greater than only a business. Simon acknowledged his own sin (this tension of having things his own way) and Jesus did not push him aside. On the contrary He drew him into His work. This brings us with the question; have we took time to bring our own sins to Him and have we heard the words in return, – don’t be afraid!

Whom Shall We Send? (Poem)

Whom shall We send? The angel flew and touched my lips With a burning coal. It did not singe But...

Annual General Meeting 23 October 2024

On the 23 October 2024, CYPSA hosted its Annual General Meeting. The meeting commenced with a short devotion from Matthew...