Rain down, you heavens, from above, And let the skies pour down righteousness; Let the earth open, let them bring forth salvation, and let righteousness spring up together. I, the Lord, have created it. (Isiah 45:8)
Within this portion we learn more about God’s love for righteousness. The only source for righteousness is from above, it is from God himself. He did not spare Himself but sent His only Son to become a man so as to create righteousness on earth and within our hearts. It is up to mankind to open up to the Creator and owner of all. When we walk within His light, our life becomes transparent. A righteous life is a transparent life. There is no need to hide anything away from His light, as all has become sanctified and whole – a righteous life that He has created, with deeds of righteousness springing up continuously. This is what HE can do, if we would ask Him. It is the same plea as David; create in me a clean heart oh God!