He Is My Fortress

I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.” (Psalm 91:2)

There are many things people use as coping mechanisms in this world. Some use their imaginations, others drugs, still others anger or slander. However, within this portion David declares that the LORD is his refuge and fortress. David had no need of a coping mechanism as he knew he could trust his God. God was not a far-of idea, but God was his God and very near. David endured many trials and tribulations. Because of Saul’s consuming jealousy he was hunted down like an animal. Yet, in all these things David learnt to take his refuge in God, and having done so God became his fortress. How wonderful when we get to know Him also as our refuge and fortress, and can say together with David, “surely He is also my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.”

Whom Shall We Send? (Poem)

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Annual General Meeting 23 October 2024

On the 23 October 2024, CYPSA hosted its Annual General Meeting. The meeting commenced with a short devotion from Matthew...