Whom shall We send? The angel flew and touched my lips With a burning coal. It did not singe But purified my soul. Who shall go for Us? Whom shall We send? “I will go.” Was my feeble answer. And yet a stronger resolve I said, “Send me.” No matter the unknown. No matter the … Read more
On the 23 October 2024, CYPSA hosted its Annual General Meeting. The meeting commenced with a short devotion from Matthew 26:7, where all in attendance were encouraged to hold nothing back in serving God and others, but that rather, like the woman with the alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, we should give all that … Read more
The situation is critical. Our country’s youth, once full of hope and ambition, are now facing grave challenges. They are losing their lives to drugs, disease, and hunger on the streets. Their aspirations of becoming educators, legal professionals, medical doctors, or nurses have been crushed.
The study looked at whether using dagga is linked to seeking medical help for anxiety. Researchers checked health records from Ontario, Canada, between 2008 and 2019. They focused on people who hadn’t gone to the doctor for anxiety before and compared those who went to the emergency room (ER) for dagga-related reasons to those who … Read more
The study looked at how using dagga might affect people’s hearts in different groups of people. They looked at data from 2016 to 2020 from a survey in 27 American states and 2 territories. The survey asked adults aged 18 to 74 about their dagga use and their heart health. Researchers wanted to see if … Read more
Provincial hearings already completed: KZN, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, North-West.