
Cannabis for chronic pain: cardiovascular safety in a nationwide Danish study 

February 12, 2024

More and more countries are letting doctors use medical dagga to help people with long-lasting pain. But, using dagga just for fun has been connected to heart problems. That’s why it’s important to check if medical dagga, prescribed by a doctor, is safe. To do this, researchers in Denmark looked at the records of people with long-lasting pain who started using medical dagga between 2018 and 2021. They matched these people with others who were similar in age, gender, type of pain, and also used other pain medicines. They wanted to see if there were more heart problems in those using medical dagga compared to those who didn’t.

Intelligence quotient decline following frequent or dependent cannabis use in youth: a systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies

February 9, 2024

Researchers searched various databases for studies published until January 24, 2020, identifying seven studies meeting the criteria. These studies involved a total of 808 individuals who heavily used dagga and 5308 individuals who did not. The analysis revealed a significant association between frequent or dependent dagga use during youth and a decrease in IQ. On average, this decline amounted to approximately 2 IQ points.

Marijuana Use and Motor Vehicle Crashes

February 9, 2024

The risk of being in a crash was higher for people who used dagga compared to those who didn’t. Even after considering other factors like how much dagga was in their system and how often they used it, the risk still went up. Overall, these findings suggest that using dagga while driving makes it more likely for someone to get into a car accident.

Acute cannabis consumption and motor vehicle collision risk

February 8, 2024

In summary, the study shows that using dagga before driving raises the risk of being in a car accident, especially a serious one. This information could help in campaigns against driving under the influence of dagga, in creating regulations to prevent people from using drugs before driving, and in raising public awareness.


January 19, 2024

We have grave reservations about the Bill itself, as well as specific provisions of the Bill, despite further amendments having recently been made to the Bill.

BELA Bill – CYPSA’s Written Submission and Points of Concern

January 18, 2024

Mr E M Nchabeleng MP Chairperson: Select Committee Education and Technology, Sports, Arts and Culture (NationalCouncil of Provinces)       For attention: MsNoluthando Skaka Per email:  [email protected] Dear Mr E M Nchabeleng MP   Comments on the Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill [B 2B-2022] (S76) 1.We refer to the invitation for written submissions on the Basic … Read more

How Raffiq Was Helped

January 16, 2024

I was born in Durban where I was raised by a single mother in a Muslim home. I went through high school as a quiet, reserved boy with low self-confidence. Every afternoon I was sent to Islamic classes to learn and memorize Arabic, with no understanding of what exactly it was that I was memorizing. … Read more

Tshwane Prison Visits

October 16, 2023

On 12 October 2023 CYPSA reached out to inmates of Tshwane during a drug prevention campaign. CYPSA had a wonderful time bringing hope and alerting the prisoners against the use of drugs.

Submission to Parliament: Comments on Cannabis for Private Purposes Bill [B19 – 2020] –A violation of the principle of the best interests of the child.

October 16, 2023

The Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services RE: Comments on Cannabis for Private Purposes Bill [B19 – 2020] –A violation of the principle of the best interests of the child. ARTICLE 1 ARTICLE 2 ARTICLE 3 ARTICLE 1 ARTICLE 2 ARTICLE 3 [1].          The Childrens Act 38 of 2005. [2].          Asbridge, M., … Read more

Quotes of Reverend Erlo Stegen

September 27, 2023