No thank you, look at the pass rate since our democracy, learners are pushed to next grades and they don’t care, the community members are selling dagga and other substances not caring for their wellbeing but they don’t want their children smoking what they sell to others, that show that they want good things happening to their kids not others.?
So legalising these drugs will destroy our schools and S.A. learners. Can’t we protect our children by NOT accepting this please. Kindly intervene in stopping this. ?
?”Just think of all the money we can make!” say those who would see dagga legalized in South Africa. Alarmingly, this sentiment seems to be echoed by an increasing number of our country’s politicians…
?Lobbyists claim the legalization of dagga will help to control and regulate the drug, keeping it out of the hands of the youth of South Africa. They cite the regulations and laws surrounding alcohol and tobacco as a practical example of the success of this approach, claiming that it is difficult for youngsters to get their hands on these substances!
It will be difficult to deal with discipline, behaviour and otherpersonalities that different individual might have. No, it’s in the best interest of members who have other agendas at hear. Not the best interest of raising responsible citizens.?
Links to publications of various CYPSA press releases and open letters.
?If your friends were jumping into a fire would you do it as well? Many of us may remember being asked this question by our parents when we were younger, usually after having blindly followed our friends into some mischievous act or another. This simple anecdote is very suitable when considering the argument for legalization stated above.
The debate is on about smoking during pregnancy. But what about smoking dagga?
An analysis of urine samples from roughly 300 000 California women finds that more than 7% used marijuana while pregnant.
Dagga is the illicit drug most frequently found in the blood of drivers who have been involved in accidents, including fatal ones. One study showed that dagga was overwhelmingly the most commonly mentioned drug in drugged driving experiences (97%), followed by cocaine (13%) and nonmedical use of prescription analgesics (4%).