
Overcoming Pornography Addiction

January 5, 2018

To many of us pornography is a harmless past-time, our way of relieving stress and tension and a victimless ‘crime’ – no one gets hurt. The fact however is that pornography is addictive. Viewing pornography releases pleasure chemicals in the brain in the same way as street drugs and millions are finding that they simply cannot free themselves from its addictive powers.

Info on Cannabis / Dagga / Marijuana

January 5, 2018

Cannabis is the most commonly abused illicit drug in South Africa. It is a dry, shredded green and brown mix of flowers, stems, seeds, and leaves derived from the hemp plant Cannabis sativa. The main active chemical in cannabis is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol; THC for short.

USA – 150 000 Doctors Against Euthanasia

January 2, 2018

?The American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) and the American Association of Prolife Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG) applaud our 150,000 colleagues in the American College of Physicians (ACP) for boldly opposing the contradictory practice of physician-assisted suicide…

Tom’s* Journey

December 30, 2017

?My life of sin started when I was five years old on the day that my mother died in a car accident. On that day I rejected God and the plan that he had for me.

Michael’s* Story

December 30, 2017

Despite going to Bible Class every Saturday and church every Sunday, by the time I was 14 I had started smoking cigarettes and was having the occasional beer, which I would steal from my father’s secret stash in the garage.

Dagga: Stephan’s Story

December 30, 2017

Previously I had been a top sportsman, taking part in rugby, cricket, gymnastics, tennis, swimming, golf, athletics, cycling and wrestling and now I couldn’t even run 100m without wanting to vomit because of my dagga habit. Before dagga I used to be a top performer at school, always at the top of my grade.

Dagga: Daniel’s* Experience

December 30, 2017

Dagga helped me to ignore the responsibilities of daily life and took hold of me quickly. As my addiction grew, I began to experience the dark side of a drug which many claim is ‘soft’ and the use of which is often described as harmless fun.

Dagga: The Mask

December 30, 2017

?My name is Tom* and I first smoked dagga when I was 13 years old. By the time I reached matric, at the age of 17, I was fully addicted to dagga and I continued to smoke until the age of 31.

Mthokozisi’s Life Story

December 30, 2017

When I arrived at the University of Johannesburg things went quite well at first, but made a turn for the worse. I started drinking alcohol excessively, I began smoking dagga and soon I progressed to using other drugs as well.

Daniel’s* Story

December 30, 2017

At the age of 13 I smoked my first cigarette and got drunk. I was 14 years old when I first smoked dagga. In my second year of high school I started going to nightclubs. I attended nightclubs regularly and when my friend began to deal drugs I assisted him; I was 15 at the time.