
Nigerian Girls Left to Fend for Themselves

December 30, 2017

We marvel at the fact that 63 girls previously abducted by Boko Haram terrorists have managed to evade their captors and make their way back home, bringing with them news of the whereabouts of the remaining abductees. It remains unthinkable to CYPSA however, that these girls are being left to themselves to find a way of escape.

Press Release- If Euthanasia is the Answer, What is the Question?

December 30, 2017

?As an organization we are stunned at the recent notion to legalize euthanasia in South Africa. In fact, we want to pose the question, whether those bent on legalizing euthanasia, are aware that to do so would be to step onto a slippery path that has caused the destruction of thousands elsewhere.

Press Release – Medical Innovation Bill

December 30, 2017

It was with renewed confidence that CYPSA read of the Central Drug Authority’s submissions to Parliament’s portfolio committee on health with regard to the proposed Medical Innovation bill. We are in full agreement with their sentiments that the bill is “confusing and if it remains in its current form it could result in more social ills and drug abuse in the country,”…

Press Release: Why is Amnesty International Pushing Prostitution Down Africa’s Throat?

December 30, 2017

?At last week’s ANC Women’s League conference Nkoana Mashabane bemoaned the fact that women were still not being elected into positions of premiers, municipal managers and secretaries… Why? Because women and girl children are still elected to be prostitutes!

Mandarin: Paving the Way for a New Area of Colonization

December 30, 2017

A departmental circular, “Circular S10 of 2015: incremental implementation of Mandarin as a non-official language from 2016-2018” has been distributed. According to this circular: “The roll-out of Mandarin will be incrementally implemented in schools as follows: Grades 4-9 and 10 will be implemented in January 2016, followed by grade 11 in 2017…

Fracking – Open Letter to Parliament

December 30, 2017

Who can hear our cry for help? Our inheritance from our fathers is in grave danger and we seem to be knocking at closed doors. Our very homeland is on the verge of destruction. A death sentence has been pronounced over it. We mourn.

Press Release: Why is Cameron Pushing Prostitution Down Africa’s Throat?

December 30, 2017

We bemoan the fact that Edwin Cameron, from the Constitutional Court Justice, has probably been “ensnared” by certain pro-prostitution groups. We feel betrayed. We understand that Cameron has applauded ‘sex workers’ as hard workers and in need of police protection (to conduct their work?).

Press Release: Open Letter to the ICC – South Africa – The Rainbow Nation is Dead

December 28, 2017

We’re young and we’re perplexed: Why the sudden decision for our government to resign from the International Criminal Court (ICC)? The fact that this decision was not via a parliament session shouts a message loud and clear.

Open Letter: Minimum Wage – A Fiasco

December 28, 2017

?We are bewildered!

The current challenge to find work is escalating. Unemployment rates are up. The number of unemployed persons increased by 239 000, between July and September this year (Stats SA). And now, this motion – a minimum wage of R3500!

Open Letter: Badly Drafted Hate Speech Bill – Trojan Horse to Destroy Democracy and Freedom of Media Expression

December 28, 2017

?Beleaguered after many years of struggle, our hard fought democracy is once again under attack!

The reason? An over-hasty and badly drafted hate speech bill which has been tabled to be hurriedly pushed through early next year. Why?