
Press Release: Fracking – Big firms bulldozing their way through our land of sorrows and struggles

December 28, 2017

These big gas and oil firms keep on bulldozing their way. They bulldoze through our country, they bulldoze on shorelines, they bulldoze off-shore, they bulldozed their agenda during recent community meetings and now they want to bulldoze their way through parliament on Thursday.

Press Release: Is freedom of speech and religion over in South Africa?

December 28, 2017

Most Governments protect their citizen’s right to freedom of speech and the freedom to practise the religion of their choice by means of the Constitution. In South Africa, new laws will pave the way for an era of oppression and persecution because of the whims of our dictators.

Open letter to Parliament: Where have all the heroes gone?

December 28, 2017

The narrative: The door is open and the adder slithers through parliament. Deadly and paralyzing; the venom does its work indiscriminately. Good men and women, powerful men and women fall prey to the fangs, axed in a moment. The reptile finds its way to the NWC and with one barrage of poison paralyzes them — silence.

Press Release: Open Letter – High Court Case for legalization of Dagga

December 27, 2017

Amidst all this sorrow, we are amazed that people such as the “Dagga Couple” can be so brazen as to want to make S.A. the dagga basket of Africa and the whole world. Is it merely ignorance, or is it the desire to enrich themselves, that has led them to lay our children on the altar of drug abuse and destruction?

Response O – Parkrand, Gauteng

December 13, 2017

I have seen the effects, I have dealt with learners under the influence. The once moderately quiet child is now aggressive, looks for trouble, causes trouble, gets into fights, attitude to teachers, refuses to follow instructions – the list is endless.

Trafficked – c o m m e r c i a l i s e d a b u s e (Poem)

November 22, 2017

Poem highlighting the plight of the victims of prostitution and human trafficking.

Sold (Poem)

October 10, 2017

Poem highlighting the plight of the victims of human trafficking and prostitution.

Can Marijuana Cure?

October 5, 2017

Around 5,500 children born in Britain in the past five years – or three babies a day – were addicted to heroin, crack cocaine and other drugs from the mother’s womb, official statistics reveal.

Medical Marijuana – An Agenda for Legal Drug Dealing?

October 5, 2017

While much has been said for and against the legalization of medical dagga in the media recently, what troubles CYPSA most is that pro-legalization argument seems to be originating predominantly with those who are not qualified to comment on the issue, or who are in fact promoting the legalization of dagga for recreational purposes primarily.